

12월 20, 2021 - 12월 26, 2021


Title 1: Secured Framework for Safety Messages Verification in Vehicular Networks Using Machine Learning.

Title 2: Thermal Array Sensor Resolution Aware Activity Recognition Using CNN.

Title 3: IoT Sensor Resolution-Aware Deep Learning Model for Emergency Communication in Smart Home

Title 4: Basic Safety Messages Authentication System for Connected Vehicles using a Novel Hyper-Tuned Ensemble Algorithm

Title 5: A Comparative Analysis of CNN Variant for Activity Detection and Emergency Care Using Infrared Sensor (IoT Project)

Title 6: Anomaly Detection and Traffic Estimation based on Spatio-Temporal Features of VANET Network Traffic

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1: Under Review (IEEE Vehicular Technology)
Title 2: Resubmitted to ICAIIC
Title 3: Submitted to ICC (Under Review)
Title 4: Submitted to ICT Express (Under Review)
Title 6: Literature Review and more study

This Week Todo's

Title 1: Stil awaiting review comments (IEEE Vehicular Technology)
Title 2: Resubmitted to ICAIIC (Under review)
Title 3: Submitted to ICC (Under Review)
Title 4: Submitted to ICT Express (Under Review)
Title 6: Literature Review and more study to identify research gap from previous papers

Project Progress

Human Activity Recognition using Integrated Thermal Array, UWB, Vibration Sensor for Smart Factory Application

70% Progress
Last Week's Project

(i) Dataset collection and labeling for collected human activity recognition and emergency care dataset
(ii) UWB Sensor progress on Jetson Nano: Breathing and Movement dataset collection
(iii) Thermal sensor and UWB sensor integration on Jetson nano and dataset collection
(iii) Complete project research note and final report

This Week's Project

(i) Prepare and compile technical report and final report
(ii) Finalise and compile project dataset collection process

Monthly Goals

(i) Complete introduction part of winter intensive writing toward next journal writing
(ii) Learn about Reinforcement and Transfer learning
(iii) Study about reliability requirement for Vehicular systems and network

Annual Goals

1. Attend at least two Domestic Conferences (Done)
2. Attend at least two International Conference (Done)
3. Submit two International Journals (Done)