

12월 20, 2021 - 12월 26, 2021


Title 1: Robust DWT-Based Audio Watermarking Against MP3 Compression using Genetic Algorithm
Target: IEEE Journal
Title 2: Copyright Protection using Blockchain (Title not fixed yet)

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. Title 1:
a. Added justification about Genetic Algorithm in the introduction
b. Continued to write the result, performance evaluation, and conclusion
c. Continued to do simulation

2. Title 2:
a. Continued to look for ideas
b. Decided what to research

3. Continued to learn how to write paper with Latex

This Week Todo's

1. Title 1:
a. Get revision from mentor and fix it
b. Get approval from senior member

2. Title 2:
a. Formulate issues in copyright violation in digital files

3. Continued to learn how to write paper with Latex

Project Progress

3D Printing

60% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Paper review on sensor usage in monitoring 3D printer
2. Continue to acquire data from 3D printer
3. Continue to label the data set
4. Train the data set
5. Continue to final report

This Week's Project

1. Continue to acquire data from the 3D printer
2. Continue to label the data set
3. Continue to train the data set with deep learning
4. Finish the final report
5. Continue to read the manual book for metal 3D printer

Monthly Goals

1. Have an in-depth understanding of blockchain and its implementation
2. Obtain dataset and do labeling from 3D Printing Monitoring Project
3. Submit a journal paper

Annual Goals

1. Submit at least one international journal
2. Attend one international and one domestic conference
3. Learn how to use various ML tools on Matlab and Python