Title 2: UAV Assisted Real-Time Detection and Recognition of Citrus Disease in Smart Farm Using Deep
Learning (KICS Fall; Journal)
Title 3: Aerial Surveillance and Detection of Drones and Birds; Deploying a Custom CNN model
Target: ICAIIC 2022
Title 4: Light-Weight Attack Method Based on UAV Communication Systems
Target: KICS Winter 2022
Title 5: Comparative Analysis of Various Deep Learning Algorithms in the Detection and Localization of
Multi-UAVs in Real-Time
Title 6: Efficient and Real-Time Light Weight CNN Model For Optimal Drone Detection and Neutralization
Title 2: (a) Expanded and completed chapters 3 and 4 of paper
Title 3: (a) Completed chapters 2 and 3 of paper
Title 4: Reviewed more related papers for ideas
Title 5: Brainstormed with project members for vast ideas
Title 2: (a) Complete and submit journal
Title 3: (a) Complete and submit journal
Title 4: Commence and complete chapters 1 and 2
Title 5: Gather more data for simulation to envisage result before commencing paper writing
Title 6: Review more papers and brainstorm with project members for ideas
Anti- Drone Detection System
a. Prepared and submitted final project’s report for the semester
b. Researched on other strategies deployed by an Anti-drone system
c. Studied and Learnt the rudiments of other vision-based algorithms
a. Prepare and submit technical report of the team’s achievement for the semester
b. Label and conclude dataset preprocessing stage
c. Continue studying Deep Learning algorithms
a. Attend a local conference(achieved)
b. Submit a paper for an international conference(achieved)
c. Acquire in-depth knowledge and usage of Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Submission of at least a journal