

12월 27, 2021 - 1월 2, 2022


Title 2: UAV Assisted Real-Time Detection and Recognition of Citrus Disease in Smart Farm Using Deep
Learning (KICS Fall; Journal)

Title 3: Aerial Surveillance and Detection of Drones and Birds; Deploying a Custom CNN model
Target: ICAIIC 2022

Title 4: Light-Weight Attack Method Based on UAV Communication Systems
Target: KICS Winter 2022

Title 5: Comparative Analysis of Various Deep Learning Algorithms in the Detection and Localization of
Multi-UAVs in Real-Time

Title 6: Efficient and Real-Time Light Weight CNN Model For Optimal Drone Detection and Neutralization

25% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 2: (a) Expanded and completed chapters 3 and 4 of paper

Title 3: (a) Completed chapters 2 and 3 of paper

Title 4: Reviewed more related papers for ideas

Title 5: Brainstormed with project members for vast ideas

This Week Todo's

Title 2: (a) Complete and submit journal

Title 3: (a) Complete and submit journal

Title 4: Commence and complete chapters 1 and 2

Title 5: Gather more data for simulation to envisage result before commencing paper writing

Title 6: Review more papers and brainstorm with project members for ideas

Project Progress

Anti- Drone Detection System

60% Progress
Last Week's Project

a. Prepared and submitted final project’s report for the semester

b. Researched on other strategies deployed by an Anti-drone system

c. Studied and Learnt the rudiments of other vision-based algorithms

This Week's Project

a. Prepare and submit technical report of the team’s achievement for the semester

b. Label and conclude dataset preprocessing stage

c. Continue studying Deep Learning algorithms

Monthly Goals

a. Attend a local conference(achieved)

b. Submit a paper for an international conference(achieved)

c. Acquire in-depth knowledge and usage of Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Annual Goals

Submission of at least a journal