

12월 27, 2021 - 1월 2, 2022


Title1: Intuitive and Near-Real Time Smart Card Fraud Detection
Target: ICT Express
Title 2: Key Wearable Device Technologies Parameters for Innovative Healthcare Delivery in B5G Network : A Review
Target: IEEE Access
Title 3: Tractable Minacious Drones Aerial Recognition and Safe-Channel Neutralization Scheme for Military Operations
Target: Summer Intensive /ICOIN 2022 (Accepted)/IEEE Intelligent Transport Systems
Title 4: Lightweight CNN Model for Detection of Unauthorized UAV in Military Reconnaissance Operations
Target: KICS fall and IEEE Vehicular Technology
Title 6: Multi-Drone Detection and Identification System for Real Time Industrial Facility Aerial Surveillance and Safety
Target: ICC 2021 and MDPI Electronics
Title 7: ITCM: IT Convergence Model for Real-Time Ubiquitous Vaccination Verification and Authentication
Target: ICTC 2021/ACM Information Systems
Title8: PID: Pervasive Intrusion Detection Scheme to Mitigate Sensor Attacks on UAV Networks
Target: KICS Winter 2022/Winter Intensive

90% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title2: (a) Effected more correction paper based on review comments and suggestions from lab colleagues
Title3: (a) Submitted paper to IEEE ITS
Title 6: Moved paper to MDPI template and commenced paper expansion
Title 7: (a) Finalized paper write-up and waiting for approval to submit paper
Title 8: Formulated topic and commenced literature search and data set gathering
Mentoring session with Session (Rasyid)
-Concluded journal paper write-up with mentee (Result discussion and Performance evaluation)
-Taught mentee on getting multiple feed from senior lab members
-Guided mentee on moving paper from one template to another

This Week Todo's

Title2: (a) To finalize paper write-up and submit to review committee
(b) To submit paper to approved journal
Title3: (a) Awaiting review comment from Editor
Title 4: To continue expanding paper to the journal version
Title 6: (a) To conclude journal version of paper
(b) To submit paper to review committee for final ratification
Title 7: To submit paper after approval from Professor
Title 8: (a) To start paper writing (Introduction and related works)
(b) To preprocess data and commence system design
Mentoring session with Session (Rasyid)
-To guide mentee on paper submission after approval
-To conclude mentoring task and submit report

Project Progress

Anti-drone detection system

80% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Continued dataset labelling
-Continued fixing bugs on installation of API’s and simulate on SSD

This Week's Project

- To finalize dataset labelling and submit task
-To commence compilation of labelled dataset

Monthly Goals

-Prepare for winter intensive
-To submit the journal version of submitted and conference accepted papers
-At least review a paper on Machine learning algorithm and IIoT
-Improve using latex for complex equations.
-Finish up an article for review and possible submission to a targeted journal.
-Learning use of MATLAB image processing

Annual Goals

-At least Two international journal submissions
-At least Two conference attendance (international and domestic) (both achieved)