

12월 27, 2021 - 1월 2, 2022


1. Blockchain-based Management on Additive Manufacturing (Still Plan for Winter Intensive)

35% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. for the 3D sensor, we focus on Making more DNN for data classification to understand whether the printing subject is successfully printed or failed
2. Report and Complete other paperwork for Capstone CLass
3. Resume the Token development on Ethereum Blockchain network from Dapp University (Now it's >50%)

This Week Todo's

1. Done with the Token Development on Ethereum Blockchain Network from Dapp University
2. Continue with UI Development of Token Trading Smart Contract on Ethereum Blockchain from Dapp University
3. Winter Intensive
4. Preparing the Seminar on Next Week

Project Progress

3D Printing Sensors

20% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. for the 3D sensor, we focus on Making more DNN for data classification to understand whether the printing subject is successfully printed or failed
2. Report and Complete other paperwork for Capstone Class

This Week's Project

1. Continue with CNN Development as DL Failure Classification

Monthly Goals

1. Improving the blockchain knowledge about the smart contract, making good network and its genesis, and more about its programming language that required (JS, Solidity, Many more)
2. Preparing the Winter Intensive for producing some research paper regarding blockchain (Either it's Smart Contract or Implementation of blockchain on Audio Watermarking)

Annual Goals

1. International Journal Paper (Blockchain)
2. International Conference Paper
3. Domestic Conference Paper