

1월 3, 2022 - 1월 9, 2022


Title 1: Robust DWT-Based Audio Watermarking Against MP3 Compression using Genetic Algorithm
Submitted to: IEEE Transaction on Multimedia
Title 2: Copyright Protection on additive manufacturing using Blockchain (Winter Intensive, tentative title)
Target: KICS Winter and IEEE Journal

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. Title 1:
a. Ran plagiarism check and adjusted paper accordingly
b. Finishing and polishing
c. Learned how to use different templates on Latex with mentor
d. Got approval from professor
e. Submitted to IEEE Transaction on Multimedia (under review)

2. Title 2:
a. Formulate issues in copyright issues in multimedia files

This Week Todo's

1. Title 1: wait for the comment review

2. Title 2:
a. Continue to write the introduction and related works
b. Start to write methodology
c. Start to do the implementation

Project Progress

3D Printing

65% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Set up the new sensors
2. Acquired data from the 3D printer with 7 sensors
3. Labeled the new data sets

This Week's Project

1. Continue to gather data sets
2. Continue to label the data sets

Monthly Goals

1. Finish the implementation of blockchain and smart contract regarding winter intensive
2. Finish collecting the dataset and labeling from the 3D Printing Monitoring Project with a new setup of sensors
3. Learn about Non-Fungible Token

Annual Goals

1. Submit at least one international journal
2. Attend one international and two domestic conferences