

1월 3, 2022 - 1월 9, 2022


Research Paper research Igboanusi Ikechi Saviour

Title 1:
A Survey: Blockchain for real-time systems, (Pr), IEEE Access

Title 2:
AIM: Auto Integrated Mining for Private Wireless Blockchain Network (Submitted) IEEE Access.

Title 3:
Multiple transaction Pure Wallet (Pr) Winter KICS 2022

Title 4:
Blockchain Smart Auto Mining (SAM) for Industrial IoT (Pr) IEEE Industrial Informatics

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title #2

1) Under review

Title #3

1) Made abstract

Title #4

1) Designing system model


1) Continued learning advanced level blockchain.

This Week Todo's

Title #1

1) continue surveying papers.
2) write about techniques
3) results of various solutions
4) open issues and challenges
5) future directions of blockchain
6) conclusion

Title #2

1) Under review

Title #4

1) continue developing system model
2) start reading related papers


1) Continue learning advanced level blockchain.
2) Continue trying more complex blockchain implementation.

Project Progress

Blockchain NFT

5% Progress
Last Week's Project

1) Learning advanced smart contract implementation

This Week's Project

1) continue Learning about advanced smart contract implementation

Monthly Goals

Title #1

1) complete review writing.
2) submit paper.

Title #3

1) complete paper writing.
2) submit paper.

TiTle #4

1) complete system model
2) gather and analyze results.

Annual Goals

2022 GOALS

1) One international journal paper submission.
2) One international conference attendance.
3) Complete graduation thesis.