

1월 10, 2022 - 1월 16, 2022


Title2: Time-Efficient Deep Learning-Based Energy Consumption Prediction for Smart Factory
Target: ICOIN 2022 Conference

Title 4: An Efficient Hybrid SCADA Network Vulnerability Detection and Characterization Technique
Target: IEEE Transaction on Emerging Topics in Computing

Title 5: Time-Aware CNN Framework for Efficient Energy Consumption Prediction in Smart Factory Target: Industrial Informatics

Title 8: Countering DNS Vulnerability to Attacks Using Ensemble Learning
Target: ICAIIC 2022

Title 9: Effective Gaussian Process Regression Kernels Selection for Secured SCADA Network Communication
Target: ICC 2022

Title 11: Deep Learning Anomaly Detection in Additive Manufacturing Process of a Smart Factory
Target: KICS Winter 2022

Title 12: Reliability of Image Similarity Models in the Smart factory
Target: Industrial Informatics

90% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 2: Paused on improving paper for resubmission to IEEE Letters so as to conclude work on Title 5 for Winter Intensive

Title 4: Under review

Title 5: 1. Approved for submission to IEEE Industrial informatics
2. Submitted to IEEE Industrial Informatics

Title 8: Accepted for ICAIIC Conference 2022

Title 9: Awaiting reviewer’s response/comments

Title 11: To submit to Review Committee for corrections

Title 12: To continue with the paper survey for the new research idea

This Week Todo's

Title 2: Paused on updating for resubmission to IEEE Letters so as to conclude work on Title 5 for Winter Intensive

Title 4: 1. Rejected with Review Comments
2. To start revising the paper with review comments from IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics

Title 5: Under review

Title 8: Accepted for ICAIIC Conference 2022
1. Prepare Camera-ready copy for upload
2. Register for the conference upon Professor’s approval

Title 9: Awaiting reviewer’s response/comments

Title 11: 1. Completes System methodology and Performance Evaluation

Title 12: Started paper survey for a new research idea

Project Progress

3D printing Project

90% Progress
Last Week's Project

Continued paper writing with the system methodology and performance evaluation for KICS Winter 2022

This Week's Project

To conclude the system methodology and performance evaluation of KICS Winter 2022

Monthly Goals

1. Complete the implementation of the review comments from IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics
2. Conclude and Submit KIBS Winter 2022
3. Generate a research idea for image compression and transmission in SCADA Network
4. To continue training on machine learning and image processing

Annual Goals

1. To submit and attend at least 2 NSL approved Domestic Conferences
2. To submit and attend at least 2 NSL approved International Conferences
3. To Submit and Publish at least 2 International Journals