Title: Reconstruct Unrecoverable Data in Real-Time Networks using Bezier Curve (Agi's Paper)
Journal: IET Communications
Title 4: LDPC Decoding Scheme of Error Correction: MIL-STD 1553 System
Title 4: continue make a simulation and add the proposed method.
-Find another simulation methods which are suitable for my research.
-Make a MIL-STD1553 frame in MATLAB
solve the problem to Log On to the server via website.
Still had error because cannot access the Virtual Machine (because of unregistered issue)
Solve the problem about unregistered VM issue.
Try to make simulation using UDP protocol
Finish the LDPC paper and submit it to Journal.
Finish the project Part I (make a simulation for Load Balancing, Shared Harddisk, etc)
Submit minimum 2 journal papers and some International conferences.
Make a tutorial for VMWare project