

1월 24, 2022 - 1월 30, 2022


Paper 1: "Performance Comparison of G-PON and L2 Switch as Aggregator for supporting Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) to meet 5G Standard" (Summer Intensive)

Paper 2: "Improvement of 5G Service Quality (Packet Loss, Latency, Jitter) by Implement Direct Fiber Via L2 Switch Technology" (Tentative Title, Winter Intensive 2022)

Paper 3: "Implementation of GPON as 5G Service Aggregation in IoT Use case" (KICS Winter, 2022)

54% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper 1 -- In progress
- Simulating several network design
- Compare the result and analyze

Paper 2 -- In progress
- Survey several papers
- Start to design the network

Paper 3 -- In progress
- Finish and submit the paper

This Week Todo's

Paper 1 -- In progress
- Simulating several network design
- Compare the result and analyze

Paper 2 -- In progress
- Do some configuration in metro ethernet and layer2 switch aggregator
- Start to design the network
- Prepare 2nd presentation

Paper 3 -- Submitted

Project Progress

Implementation and Evaluation of UAV Routing Protocol for Civil and Military

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

Continue the simulation (OLSR protocol)

This Week's Project

Waiting for the next project

Monthly Goals

- Submit paper for KICS
- Submit journal paper

Annual Goals

Submit journal paper