

2월 21, 2022 - 2월 27, 2022


Title 1: Key Wearable Device Technologies Parameters for Innovative Healthcare Delivery in B5G Network : A Review
Target: IEEE Access {Under Review}
Title 2: Tractable Minacious Drones Aerial Recognition and Safe-Channel Neutralization Scheme for Military Operations
Target: Summer Intensive /ICOIN 2022 (Accepted)/IEEE Intelligent Transport Systems (Under Review)
Title 3: DRONET: Multi-Tasking Framework for Real Time Industrial Facility Aerial Surveillance and Safety
Target: ICC 2021 and MDPI Drones (Accepted)
Title 4: ITCM: IT Convergence Model for Real-Time Ubiquitous Vaccination Verification and Authentication
Target: ICTC 2021/ACM Info System
Title5: PID: Pervasive Intrusion Detection Scheme to Mitigate Sensor Attacks on UAV Networks
Target: Winter Intensive
Title6: VisioNET Dataset: An Aerial Dataset for Scenario-Based Multi-Drone Detection and Identification Research
Target: IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

-Title3: Published
-Title4: Modified paper content to reduce similarity index with published conference version
-Title5: Presented final winter intensive report and adjusted paper content
-Title 6: Commenced paper structure and layout
-Prepared and presented seminar

This Week Todo's

-Title1: Awaiting response from Editor
-Title2: Awaiting review comments
-Title4: Continue paper content modification and result expansion
-Title5: To conclude paper and submit to review committee
-Title6: To continue paper write-up
-To attend ICAIIC Conference and gather knowledge for research development

Project Progress

Anti-drone detection system

95% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Commenced paper writing for dataset publication
-Submitted project close-out report to project supervisor
-Exited project (informally)

This Week's Project

-To continue writing paper for dataset publication

Monthly Goals

-Conclude Winter Intensive Paper
-Improve on use of MATLAB for Deep Learning
-To conclude Title 3 paper and submit for possible publication
-To conclude dataset paper and submit for possible publication

Annual Goals

-At least 4 international journal Acceptance (1achieved) and 8 submissions (2achieved)
-At least Two conference attendance; international (1 Achieved) and domestic (1achieved)