

2월 21, 2022 - 2월 27, 2022


Research Paper research Igboanusi Ikechi Saviour

Title 1:
A Survey: Blockchain for real-time systems, (Pr), IEEE Access

Title 2:
AIM: Auto Integrated Mining for Private Wireless Blockchain Network (Pr)

Title 3:
Storage-Aware Mining for Blockchain Network (Accepted) Winter KICS 2022

Title 4:
Blockchain Smart Auto Mining (SAM) for Industrial IoT (Pr) IEEE Industrial Informatics

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title #4

1) Start analysis of results
2) Plot graphs of results
3) Made introduction related works
4) Made the system model
5) Presented results of the auto mining model
6) Conclusion and future works


1) Continued learning advanced level blockchain.

This Week Todo's

Title #2

1) Start implementing correction to all the review comments.

Title #4

1) Enhance results of presentation
2) Improve the system model
3) Enhance the readability of the whole paper.


1) Continue learning advanced level blockchain.
2) Continue trying more complex blockchain implementation.

Project Progress

Blockchain NFT

5% Progress
Last Week's Project

1) Learning advanced smart contract implementation
2) Checked out the Decentraland Metaverse based on Ethereum, and their NFT market based on Polygon blockchain network.
3) Created an avatar.
4) learning how to make NFTs using Ethereum and Polygon smart contract.
5) Polygon for smart contract.
6) Prepared progress report.
7) Share tasks to all project group members
8) Meeting with the company, to determine scope of project.

This Week's Project

1) Study the code from different NFT rental projects
2) compare the Vera and ReNFT project codes
3) Learn about staking and Automated Market Maker (AMM)

Monthly Goals

Title #3 (Completed)

1) complete paper writing.
2) submit paper.

Title #4

1) complete system model
2) gather and analyze results.
3) complete paper writing

Annual Goals

2022 GOALS

1) One international journal paper submission.
2) One international conference attendance.
3) Complete graduation thesis.