

2월 21, 2022 - 2월 27, 2022


- Winter Intensive 2022 : Lightweight Project Auction Smart Contract for Additive Manufacturing

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Fixing the System on Remix IDE

This Week Todo's

- Writing the Result of Gas Fee and Analytical Perspective for Computational Complexity Performance

Project Progress

Blockchain Rental NFT Project

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

- First presentation for the company to do the work together on the blockchain project

This Week's Project

- Learning about the code of Vera & ReNFT, which both of them are Smart Contract or Platform that allows people to Rent some NFT

Monthly Goals

1. Improving the blockchain knowledge about the smart contract, making good network and its genesis, and more about its programming language that required (JS, Solidity, Many more)
2. Preparing the Winter Intensive for producing some research paper regarding blockchain (Either it's Smart Contract or Implementation of blockchain on Audio Watermarking)

Annual Goals

1. International Journal Paper (Blockchain)
2. International Conference Paper
3. Domestic Conference Paper