

3월 7, 2022 - 3월 13, 2022


Title2: Time-Efficient Deep Learning-Based Energy Consumption Prediction for Smart Factory
Target: ICOIN 2022 Conference

Title 4: An Efficient Hybrid SCADA Network Vulnerability Detection and Characterization Technique
Target: IEEE Transaction on Emerging Topics in Computing

Title 5: Time-Aware CNN Framework for Efficient Energy Consumption Prediction in Smart Factory Target: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems

Title 8: Countering DNS Vulnerability to Attacks Using Ensemble Learning
Target: ICAIIC 2022

Title 9: Effective Gaussian Process Regression Kernels Selection for Secured SCADA Network Communication
Target: ICC 2022

Title 12: Machine Learning Reliability for SCADA Network Communication Intrusion Detection
Target: Industrial Informatics

85% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Awaiting response from NSL review committee on Zai’s Winter Intensive

Title: Efficient DDoS Detection and Classification in Software-Defined Industrial IoT Networks

Title 2: To carry out grammar correction and similarity check

Title 4: To conclude paper revision in line with review comments from IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics

Title 5: Under review

Title 9: Commenced paper revision in line with comments from ICC 2022 reviewers

Title 12: 1. To conclude working on the introduction of new research idea
2. To commence related works

This Week Todo's

Completed work with Zai on Winter Intensive 2022

Title: Efficient DDoS Detection and Classification in Software-Defined Industrial IoT Networks

Title 2: Completed revision of title in line with review comments

Title 4: Paper revision based on review comments from IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics

Title 5: Under review

Title 8: Prepared and uploaded ICAIIC Conference 2022 conference report to NSL website

Title 9: To continue paper revision in line with ICC 2022 review comments

Title 12: Started introduction of new research idea

Project Progress

3D Printing

100% Progress
Last Week's Project

Project Closed out

Awaiting new project assignment

This Week's Project

Awaiting new project assignment

Monthly Goals

1. Finalize the implementation of the review comments on title 4
2. Secure approval from Professor for resubmission
3. To continue survey of literature on new research idea
4. To continue training on machine learning and image processing

Annual Goals

2022 Goals:
1. Attend or submit to all NSL approved domestic conferences:
KICS Winter 2022 (50% Done).
2. Attend or submit at least two NSL approved International Conferences:
ICAIIC 2022 (Attended) (50%).
3. Publish or submit at least two International Journal papers/Letters (50%)