

3월 14, 2022 - 3월 20, 2022


Title2: Time-Efficient Deep Learning-Based Energy Consumption Prediction for Smart Factory
Target: ICOIN 2022 Conference

Title 4: An Efficient Hybrid SCADA Network Vulnerability Detection and Characterization Technique
Target: IEEE Transaction on Emerging Topics in Computing

Title 5: Time-Aware CNN Framework for Efficient Energy Consumption Prediction in Smart Factory Target: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems

Title 9: Effective Gaussian Process Regression Kernels Selection for Secured SCADA Network Communication
Target: ICC 2022

Title 12: Machine Learning Reliability for SCADA Network Communication Intrusion Detection
Target: Industrial Informatics

85% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Received comments from the NSL review committee on Zia's Winter Intensive

Title: Efficient DDoS Detection and Classification in Software-Defined Industrial IoT Networks

Title 2: Started English correction

Title 4: Finalizing paper revision in line with review comments from IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics

Title 5: Under review

Title 9: Completed paper revision in line with comments from ICC 2022 reviewers

Title 12: 1. Completed the introduction of the new research idea
2. Commenced related works

This Week Todo's

Responded to review comments on Zia's Winter Intensive 2022

Title: Efficient DDoS Detection and Classification in Software-Defined Industrial IoT Networks

Title 2: To complete Grammar check/corrections

Title 4: 1. To conclude paper revision
2. Carry out Grammar checks/corrections

Title 5: Under review

Title 9: To present the response to reviewers’ comments to NSL

Title 12: To continue with the related works the new research idea

Project Progress

Metal 3D Printer - Smart Additive Project

5% Progress
Last Week's Project

Had meeting on the proposal and goal detail for next project

This Week's Project

To start survey of related works on development of multiple laser path generation algorithm

Monthly Goals

1. To conclude and secure Professors' approval for resubmission of title 4
2. To conclude work on title 12
3. To continue survey of related works on title 12
4. To continue survey of related works on development of multiple laser path generation algorithm
5. To continue training on machine learning and network simulation

Annual Goals

2022 Goals:
1. Attend or submit to all NSL approved domestic conferences:
KICS Winter 2022 (50% Done).
2. Attend or submit at least two NSL approved International Conferences:
ICAIIC 2022 (Attended) (50%).
3. Publish or submit at least two International Journal papers/Letters (50%)