[1] 효과적인 모바일 디바이스 검출을 위한 딥러닝 기반 기법
[An Efficient Scheme for mobile device identification scheme]
[1] 효과적인 모바일 디바이스 검출을 위한 딥러닝 기반 기법
[An Efficient Scheme for mobile device identification scheme]
- research reference
- Analyze the collected data set
- research how to simulate it
[1] 효과적인 모바일 디바이스 검출을 위한 딥러닝 기반 기법
[An Efficient Scheme for mobile device identification scheme]
- research reference
- Analyze the collected data set
- research how to simulate it
- simulate sound segment
Hanwha _ Network Simulation for combat system
[2] Hanwha _ Network Simulation for combat system
- Continuing what doing last week
- Research how to simulate network based switch using NS-3
- Analysis Code for Switch network
- Research how to simulate mesh and star network
- Prepare for the seminar with hanwha
[2] Hanwha _ Network Simulation for combat system
- Research how to simulate network based switch using NS-3
- Research how to simulate mesh and star network
- Modeling mesh based network using NS-3
- Prepare for the seminar with hanwha
- Write journal
- Prepare Meeting with Hanwha
- Write Thesis to Journal version
- Write new title to Journal version