

7월 7, 2014 - 7월 13, 2014


[1] 함정 전투 시스템을 위한 메시지 지향 관리 및 분석 도구의 메시지 관리 기법 설계 및 구현

[2] Dynamic Rate Adaptation for Industrial WLAN

95% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[A] : Change the figure(diagram, graph of simulation results)(4hours).

[B] : Write detail explanation of problems and propesed schemes(1hour).
Translate Agung's paper for patent(3hours).

[C] :

This Week Todo's

[A] : Translate Agung's paper for patent.
Find subject for international conference.

[B] :

[C] :

Project Progress

MOMAT(Message Oriented Management and Analysis Tool)

80% Progress
Last Week's Project

[A] : Debugging.

[B] : Merge a project of Thales to mine(Project_Explorer and Code_Generator parts)(4hours).
Remove Blend lisence from project source code(3days).
Change the Theme of UI(4days).

[C] :

This Week's Project

[A] : Debugging.

[B] : Make the bug list for bug-free.

//-----List for debugging----//

message size by each type
field order change up and down btn function
IDL and IDD code generator file location set up
merge with Rizal's prj
change the theme in UI
combobox control
define static attribute in MainWindow class
problem abt license of blend
debug on floating window library source code
include other property of field in listview class

Monthly Goals

Finish MOMAT project.
Finish domestic journal.
Get English grade.

Annual Goals

Write international journal.