Title2: Time-Efficient Deep Learning-Based Energy Consumption Prediction for Smart Factory
Target: ICOIN 2022 Conference
Title 4: Classification and Characterization of Encoded Traffic in SCADA Network using Hybrid Deep Learning Scheme
Target: IEEE Internet of Things
Title 5: Time-Aware CNN Framework for Efficient Energy Consumption Prediction in Smart Factory Target: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Title 9 Effective Gaussian Process Regression Kernel Selection for Secured SCADA Network Communication
Target: IET
Title 12: Machine Learning Reliability for SCADA Network Communication Intrusion Detection
Target: Industrial Informatics
Title 2: Commenced similarity check and to secure Professor’s approval for resubmission
Title 4: 1. Finalized paper revision in line with review comments from IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics
2. Secured approval from Professor for submission to IEEE IoT Special Issue
3. Paper Submitted
Title 5: Under review
Title 9: 1. Finalized paper revision based on ICC 2022 review comments
2. Secured approval from Professor for submission to IET Journal
Title 12: 1. To commence system methodology
2. Model experimentation
Title 2: To conclude similarity check/corrections
Title 4: Under Review
Title 5: Under review
Title 9: Under Review
Title 12: 1. To continue with system methodology and model experimentation
Metal 3D Printer - Smart Additive Project
Search for related literature on the development of multiple laser path generation algorithm
To continue search for related literature on the development of multiple laser path generation algorithm
1. To finalize the revision of title 12
2. To secure Professors' approval for submission of title 12
3. To continue survey of literature on survey paper
4. Survey papers on the development of multiple laser path generation algorithm
5. To continue work on the model development for research thesis
6. Start leaning network simulation for research thesis
2022 Goals:
1. Attend or submit to all NSL approved domestic conferences:
KICS Winter 2022 (50% Done).
2. Attend or submit at least two NSL approved International Conferences: ICAIIC 2022 (Attended) (50%).
3. Publish or submit at least two International Journal papers/Letters (100% submission)