

4월 4, 2022 - 4월 10, 2022


Title 1: Robust DWT-Based Audio Watermarking Against MP3 Compression using Genetic Algorithm
Submitted to: IEEE Transaction on Multimedia (rejected)
Title 2: Duplicate Audio Data Detection Model Based on IPFS and Blockchain using Smart Contract
Submitted to: KICS Winter 2022 (accepted)
Title 3: HADES: Hash-based Audio Detection System for Copyright Protection in Decentralized Music Sharing Platform
Target: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management

87% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 3:
1. Built existing audio detection code (from BMCProtector) for performance evaluation

This Week Todo's

Title 3:
1. Continue to build existing audio detection code (continue from BMCProtector and start RobustCPS) for performance evaluation

Project Progress


35% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Built an AMM code in Solidity with ERC20 tokens
2. Built a staking code in Solidity with ERC20 tokens

This Week's Project

1. Learn how to manipulate the system rewards in AMM and staking
2. Build a simple renting NFT program with Solidity

Monthly Goals

1. Learn about how AMM and staking work and their existing applications
2. Learn deeper how the Non-Fungible Token (NFT) rental works
3. Submit the winter intensive journal

Annual Goals

1. Submit at least one international journal
2. Attend one international and two domestic conferences