

7월 14, 2014 - 7월 20, 2014


Title: Reconstruct Unrecoverable Data in Real-Time Networks using Bezier Curve (Agung's Paper)
Journal: IET Communications
Title 4: LDPC Decoding Scheme of Error Correction: MIL-STD 1553 System

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

-find MIL-STD1553 standard frame in MATLAB
-continue Agung's Paper, add more references and make simulation and compare it using previous method (Reed Solomon)

This Week Todo's

- Make a simulation and combine the MIL-STD1553 standard frame with LDPC method.
- compare the Bezier Curve method with Reed Solomon method

Project Progress

Desktop Virtualization

70% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Reinstall XEN Server, XENDesktop, and Domain controller.
-Make a simulation using DDS program

This Week's Project

Get new server from Samsung Thales and Reconfigure every thing from the beginning.
Make a simulation using UDP and DDS program.

Monthly Goals

Finish the LDPC paper and submit it to Journal.
Finish the project Part I (make a simulation for Load Balancing, Shared Harddisk, etc)

Annual Goals

Submit minimum 2 journal papers and some International conferences.
Make a tutorial for VMWare project