

4월 12, 2022 - 4월 18, 2022


Research Paper research Igboanusi Ikechi Saviour

Title 1:
A Survey: Blockchain for real-time systems, (Pr), IEEE Access

Title 2:
AIM: Auto Integrated Mining for Private Wireless Blockchain Network (Submitted to ICUFN 2022)

Title 3:
Blockchain Smart Auto Mining (SAM) for Industrial IoT (Submitted) IET Communication journal

Thesis Title:
Pure Wallet (PW) 2.0: A Resource Efficient and Secure Offline Blockchain Transaction Algorithm

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title #2

1) Summitted to ICUFN 2022

Title #3

1) Implementing correction from lab members' review.
2) Modifying figures to improve readability.
3) Converting to IET template.
4) Getting approval from Professor.
5) Submission to IET Communication journal


1) Make title and abstract.
2) Start the introduction.

This Week Todo's

Title #2

1) Waiting for the review decision.

Title #3

2) Waiting for the review decision.


1) Write the related works connected to offline transactions
2) Write on the Pure Wallet system model

Project Progress


30% Progress
Last Week's Project


1) Analyzed the scope of the project.
2) Divided the responsibility.

Pure Wallet 2.0

1) Analyzed the scope of the project.
2) Explained details of the concept to project members
3) shared implementation procedure

This Week's Project

Pure Wallet

1) Implement deposit feature
2) Implement withdrawal feature
3) Implement hashing function.

Monthly Goals

Title #4

1) complete paper writing. (Done)
2) Submit paper.(Done)

1) Create Thesis File.(Done)
2) Include basic information into the work.(Done)
3) Complete Pure Wallet implementation.
4) Complete PW 2.0 Implementation.

Annual Goals

2022 GOALS

1) One international journal paper submission. (Done)
2) One international conference attendance. (Done)
3) Complete graduation thesis.