

4월 26, 2022 - 5월 2, 2022


Title 4: Optimized Smart Contract-based airport luggage tracking scheme
Title 5: Optimizing Blockchain Performance on edge device (Temporary)

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 4:
- Working on the review comment

Title 5:
- Find related works and problem

This Week Todo's

Title 4:
- Submit to the Journal

Title 5:
- Get a clear defined motivation, contribution

Project Progress

Blockchain Project

70% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. NFT Rental (on Hold)

2. NFT Marketplace
- Bidding Function
- Admin-related Function
- Minting Function

This Week's Project

1. NFT Rental (on Hold)

2. NFT Marketplace
- Connecting with UI
- Reworks on smart contract

Monthly Goals

1. Learn about Non-Fungible Token (NFT) rental (Project related or Research related)
2. Found another idea for the next research paper
3. Submit the winter intensive journal

Annual Goals

Submit a Journal
Accepted in International Conference
Accepted in Domestic Conference