

May 10, 2022 - May 16, 2022


Title 1: Robust DWT-Based Audio Watermarking Against MP3 Compression using Genetic Algorithm
Target: IEEE Journal (hold)
Title 2: Duplicate Audio Data Detection Model Based on IPFS and Blockchain using Smart Contract
Submitted to: KICS Winter 2022 (accepted)
Title 3: HADES: Hash-based Audio Detection System for Copyright Protection in Decentralized Music Sharing Platform
Submitted to: IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
Target 4: tentative title research
Target: ICTC Conference 2022

40% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 3: submitted to IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Blockchain Management special issue

Title 4:
- looked for ideas

This Week Todo's

Title 4:
- Continue looking for ideas, specifically in copyright management
- Formulate issues in copyright management

Project Progress


55% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. WINEX: a Wine NFT Marketplace (hold)
- waiting for the codes from the company

2. NFT Rental (hold)
- waiting for further instructions from the company

3. Pure Wallet 2.0 (ongoing)
- Continued to build a platform (website) to interact with the smart contract
- connected the smart contract to the frond-end using Web3

This Week's Project

1. WINEX: a Wine NFT Marketplace (hold)
- waiting for the codes from the company

2. NFT Rental (hold)
- waiting for further instructions from the company

3. Pure Wallet 2.0 (ongoing)
- Finishing and debugging the platform

Monthly Goals

1. Submit for the 2022 ITC Convergence Conference
2. Complete the Pure Wallet 2.0 implementation
3. Submit the winter intensive journal

Annual Goals

1. Submit at least one international journal
2. Attend one international and two domestic conferences