

5월 16, 2022 - 5월 22, 2022


Title 1: Thermal Array Sensor Resolution-Aware Activity Recognition using Convolutional Neural Network (Presented in ICOIN 2022)

Title 2: Ensemble Random Forest-based Basic Safety Messages Falsification Detection in Internet of Vehicles.
Target: IEEE Access

Title 3: Basic Safety Messages Authentication System for Connected Vehicles using a Novel Hyper-Tuned Ensemble Algorithm (ICT Express)

Title 4: RBF-SVM Kernel-Based Model for Detecting DDoS Attacks in VANETs- Submitted to Adhoc Networks Journal

Title 5: Intrusion Detection System Using Machine Learning for IN-Vehicular Networks Based on Automotive Ethernet Communication
Target- ETFA, 2022/Journey toward Thesis

Title 6: Anomaly Detection and Traffic Estimation based on Spatio-Temporal Features of VANET Network Traffic (tentative)
Target ICTC 2022)

Title 7: Real-Time Sensor-Based Human Activity and Breathing Monitoring During Quarantine (IoT Project)
Target: Sensor Journal

Title 8: Appropriate SVM Kernel Selection for DDoS Attack Detection in SDN-Based VANET (Submitted to KICS Summer, 2022)

Title 9: Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning Object Detection Models for Recognition of Vehicles, Pedestrian and Traffic signs

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 2: IEEE Access- Awaiting Reviewer's Assignment

Title 3 and 4: Awaiting reviewer's comment

Title 5 and 6:
(i) Continuing learning about VANET Simulation to develop simulation scenario for DDoS attack representations

(i) Fix issues with simulation in OMNET

(iii) Brainstorming on Paper Idea

Paper Review: Verification and Authentication Schemes for securing IoV
(i) A Comprehensive Review of Authentication Schemes in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network

(ii) An Efficient V2I Authentication Scheme for VANETs

Title 8: Develop paper idea, methodology and structure

Title 9: On hold

This Week Todo's

Title 1: Revised Version from IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology Submitted to IEEE Access (under Review)

Title 2: ICT Express- Major Revision (In Revision- Deadline for Re-submission, May 27)

Title 3: Submitted to Ad-Hoc Networks- Awaiting reviewer's comment

Title 4 and 5: Brainstorming for paper Ideas

(i) Continuing learning about VANET Simulation to develop simulation scenario for DDoS attack representations

(ii) Fix issues with simulation in OMNET

Paper Review: Verification and Authentication Schemes for securing IoV
(i) Application of Explainable ML for Real-Time Safety Analysis toward a Connected Vehicle Environment

(ii) Efficient Cryptographic Hardware for Safety Message Verification in Internet of Connected Vehicles

Title 7: Submitted to KICS Summer

Project Progress

Human Activity Recognition using Integrated Thermal Array, UWB, Vibration Sensor for Smart Factory Application

70% Progress
Last Week's Project

Title7: (i) Dataset set labelling and integration according to distributed time frames

This Week's Project

Title7: (i) Dataset set labelling and integration according to distributed time frames

(ii) Project Meeting to brainstorm on ideas for fixing overfitting problems with deep learning models used

(iii) Complete and update final report and manual book for company

Monthly Goals

(i) Brainstorm about Ideas for next Journal submission
(ii) Study detection issues using verification and authentication measures in securing IoV
(iii) Study about reliability requirement for Vehicular systems and network for Thesis (In Progress)
(iv) Create a simulated VANET environment using SUMO, OMNET and OpenStreetMap (VANET Simulation)
(v) Learn about working with images using TensorFlow
(vi) Complete and submit paper for KICS, ETFA and ICTC (KICS Submitted)
(v) Develop Thesis Writing Structure and Outline

Annual Goals

1. Attending at least two Domestic Conferences (One Attended)
2. Attend at least two International Conference (One attended)
3. Submit three International Journals (Two Submitted)