

5월 16, 2022 - 5월 22, 2022


Title 1: Key Wearable Device Technologies Parameters for Innovative Healthcare Delivery in B5G Network: A Review
Target: IEEE Access {Accepted}
Title 2: Tractable Minacious Drones Aerial Recognition and Safe-Channel Neutralization Scheme for Mission Critical Operations
Target: IEEE Industrial Informatics/ETFA 2022
Title 3: ITCM: IT Convergence Model for Real-Time Ubiquitous Vaccination Verification and Authentication
Target: ICTC 2021/ACM Info System
Title4: PID: Pervasive Intrusion Detection Scheme to Mitigate Sensor Attacks on UAV Networks
Target: Winter Intensive/KICS Summer Conference 2022
Title5: VisioNET Dataset: An Aerial Dataset for Scenario-Based Multi-Drone Detection and Identification Research
Target: IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems

90% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1: Paper published for early access
Title2: (a) Wrote the result discussion section
(b) Submitted ETFA conference version of the paper
Title 4:(a) Continued with the paper content modification
(b) Extracted KICS Summer conference paper
-Submitted KICS Summer conference paper
-Attended classes and respond to emerging assignments and quizzes
-Submitted seminar paper for approval.

This Week Todo's

Title 1: To update paper status on NSL website and other digital media handles for a wide readership.
Title 2: (a) To continue with the result and discussion, and the conclusion section of the paper
(b) To finalize paper and submit accordingly
Title 4: (a) To continue with the expanded modification
Title 5: (a) To commence simulation and result discussion section
-To prepare for the Metaverse workshop
-To prepare for the seminar presentation
-To attend classes and respond to emerging assignments and quizzes

Project Progress

Water Quality Monitoring

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Commenced preliminary investigations on WQM Systems
-Commenced research on concepts and identified problems

This Week's Project

-To continue investigating WQM Systems
-To continue researching about the concepts and problems

Monthly Goals

-Improve on use of MATLAB for Deep Learning
-To conclude Title 3 paper and submit for possible publication
-To conclude Title 2 and 5 and submit for possible publication

Annual Goals

-At least 4 international journal Acceptance (2 achieved) and 8 submissions (3achieved)
-At least 4 conference attendance; 2 International (1 Achieved) and 2 domestic (1achieved)