

5월 30, 2022 - 6월 5, 2022


Paper 1: "Performance Comparison of G-PON and L2 Switch as Aggregator for supporting Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) to meet 5G Standard" (Summer Intensive, 2021)

Paper 2: "Backhaul Design of Next-Generation Mobile Network by Implementing Direct Fiber via L2 Switch Technology for IoT Use Case" (Winter Intensive 2022)

Paper 3: "Implementation of GPON as 5G Service Aggregation in IoT Use case" (KICS Winter, 2022)

Paper 4: "IoT Network Parameter Comparison to GPON Based Next-Generation Backhaul" (JCCI, 2022)

Paper 5: "Next-Generation Latency-Aware Network Using Direct Fiber via Layer 2 Switch Aggregator" (KICS Summer, 2022)

Paper 6: "Backhaul Aggregator Design for Real-Time 3D Printer System" (Journal Paper)

52% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper 5: Submitted

Paper 6: In Progress

This Week Todo's

Paper 5: Submitted

Paper 6: Submitted

Project Progress

3D Printer Monitoring System

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

Continue to write the paper

This Week's Project

Continue to write the paper

Monthly Goals

- Submit another journal paper

Annual Goals

- Accepted in journal
- Finish the thesis