

5월 31, 2022 - 6월 6, 2022



Title 1: Winter Intensive
"Range–Doppler Radar-based UAV Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network"

Title 2: ICT Express
"Identification of 3D features using CNN for Military Surveillance Systems"

Title 3:
" energy prediction- title not fixed "

Title 4: Ali's paper
"Hybrid Smart Demand Responsive Public Transport System for Conventional Public Transport in City Metropolitan Area"

Title 5: KICS summer 2022

0% Progress
Last Week's Progress


Title 1:
Extending the simulation results section
add more results discussion

Title 5:
write and submit


This Week Todo's


Title 4:
change the template. edit the paper to fit the journal template (ASCE JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING PART A-SYSTEMS)
Finalize and submit.


Project Progress

Smart Energy

0% Progress
Last Week's Project


Survey for more paper


This Week's Project


survey more ~


Monthly Goals


finalize and submit both Ali's paper and mine


Annual Goals


2 SCIE journals
