

6월 14, 2022 - 6월 20, 2022


Research Paper research Igboanusi Ikechi Saviour

Title 1:
AIM: Auto Integrated Mining for Private Wireless Blockchain Network (Accepted) ICUFN 2022

Title 2:
Blockchain Smart Auto Mining (SAM) for Industrial IoT (Accepted) IET Communication journal

Thesis Title:
Pure Wallet (PW) 2.0: A Resource Efficient and Secure Offline Blockchain Transaction Algorithm

99% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title #1

1) Responding to reviewers comments.
2) Submitting camera ready versions.

Title #2

1) Started responding to review 1's comments.


1) Started responding to professors' comments.

This Week Todo's

Title #1

1) Prepare ppt for the conference presentation.

Title #2

1) Complete response to review comments.
2) Submit the Final version.


1) Continue responding to the professors' comments.

Project Progress


50% Progress
Last Week's Project

Pure Wallet

1) Implementing the verification model.
2) Working on user interface.

Winex NFT

1) Waited for the company's response to our code review comments.

This Week's Project

Winex NFT

1) Wait for the company's response to our code review comments.

Pure Wallet 2.0

1) Continue implementation of the offline security and verification model.
2) Continue working on user interface.

Monthly Goals

Title #1

1) Respond to review comments. (done)
2) Submit the final version. (done)

Title #2

1) Respond to review comments.
2) Submit the final version.


1) Respond to reviews from professors.
2) Get approval to submit the final version from committee members.
3) Submit the final version.

Annual Goals

2022 GOALS

1) One international journal paper submission. (Done)
2) One international conference attendance. (Done)
3) Complete graduation thesis.