

6월 21, 2022 - 6월 27, 2022


Title 1:
"Fast Successive Approximation ADC With Series Time-Interleaved Architecture."
Target: Engineering Reports Journal.

Title 2:
"LSTM Is Not Predicting the Future; A Comment on Published Papers in Time Sequence Forecasting"
Target: The 13th International Conference on ICT Convergence.


70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
10:00A.M. - 12:00P.M.
- "An 8-Bit 1-GS/s Asynchronous Loop-Unrolled SAR-Flash ADC With Complementary Dynamic Amplifiers in 28-nm CMOS" is skimmed as I want to add it to my references in my paper titled "Fast Successive Approximation ADC With Series Time-Interleaved Architecture".

13:00P.M. - 15:30P.M.
- Searched for methods of applying both metaverses in ADC architectures and ADC architectures in the metaverse after Dr . Cosmas's notification in the NSL group. (No results yet).

15:30P.M. - 6:00P.M.
- NSL Meeting.
- Went to Ms. Eugene Park at the end of the day because of problems that arose in regard to my friend Mohammed Abubakar's application.


10:00A.M. - 12:00P.M.
- Searched for methods of applying both metaverses in ADC architectures and ADC architectures in the metaverse in regard to my thesis.

13:00P.M. - 15:30P.M.
"Fast Successive Approximation ADC With Series Time-Interleaved Architecture"
- Reviewing "An 8-Bit 1-GS/s Asynchronous Loop-Unrolled SAR-Flash ADC With Complementary Dynamic Amplifiers in 28-nm CMOS".
- In regard to paper withdrawal, I have been informed by my seniors that I don't have to prepare any letter to withdraw the paper if the decision is "Major revision". The paper will automatically be canceled if I don't submit the revised paper. Therefore, I will not take any further action.

15:30P.M. - 6:00P.M.
"Fast Successive Approximation ADC With Series Time-Interleaved Architecture"
- Reviewing "An 8-Bit 1-GS/s Asynchronous Loop-Unrolled SAR-Flash ADC With Complementary Dynamic Amplifiers in 28-nm CMOS".


10:00A.M. - 12:00P.M.
- Searched for methods of applying both metaverses in ADC architectures and ADC architectures in the metaverse in regard to my thesis.
- I will extend the "Fast Successive Approximation ADC With Series Time-Interleaved Architecture" paper as it is Networked Real-Time System and I will discuss in the introduction its application in various embedded systems in augmented reality equipment "Creativia Metaverse platform". Please comment on it.

13:00P.M. - 15:30P.M.
"Fast Successive Approximation ADC With Series Time-Interleaved Architecture"
- Reviewing "An 8-Bit 1-GS/s Asynchronous Loop-Unrolled SAR-Flash ADC With Complementary Dynamic Amplifiers in 28-nm CMOS".

15:30P.M. - 6:00P.M.
"Fast Successive Approximation ADC With Series Time-Interleaved Architecture"
- Summarizing "An 8-Bit 1-GS/s Asynchronous Loop-Unrolled SAR-Flash ADC With Complementary Dynamic Amplifiers in 28-nm CMOS" and "An 8-Bit 800 MS/s Loop-Unrolled SAR ADC With Common-Mode Adaptive Background Offset Calibration in 28 nm FDSOI".


10:00A.M. - 12:00P.M.
- Summarizing "An 8-Bit 1-GS/s Asynchronous Loop-Unrolled SAR-Flash ADC With Complementary Dynamic Amplifiers in 28-nm CMOS" and "An 8-Bit 800 MS/s Loop-Unrolled SAR ADC With Common-Mode Adaptive Background Offset Calibration in 28 nm FDSOI".

13:00P.M. - 15:30P.M.
"Fast Successive Approximation ADC With Series Time-Interleaved Architecture"
- Reviewing "A 0.0012 mm2 6-bit 700 MS/s 1 mW Calibration-Free Pseudo-Loop-Unrolled SAR ADC in 28 nm CMOS".

15:30P.M. - 6:00P.M.
"Fast Successive Approximation ADC With Series Time-Interleaved Architecture"
- Reviewing "A 0.0012 mm2 6-bit 700 MS/s 1 mW Calibration-Free Pseudo-Loop-Unrolled SAR ADC in 28 nm CMOS".

Title 2:
- Waiting for decision (submitted).


This Week Todo's

Title 1:
- Updating paper.
- Reviewing "A 0.0012 mm2 6-bit 700 MS/s 1 mW Calibration-Free Pseudo-Loop-Unrolled SAR ADC in 28 nm CMOS"

Title 2:
- Waiting for decision (submitted).


Project Progress

Smart Energy Grid

70% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Paper surveying about topics related to Smart Energy Grid.
- Reviewing "Design, Implementation, and Deployment of an IoT Based Smart Energy Management System".


This Week's Project

- Continue paper surveying about topics related to Smart Energy Grid.
- Reviewing "Design, Implementation, and Deployment of an IoT Based Smart Energy Management System".


Monthly Goals

- Increase my skills in the PyTorch library.
- Increase my skills in Cadence Virtuoso.
- Increase my level in the Korean language.


Annual Goals

- Publish an International Journal Paper.
