[1] Anomaly detection in 3D printer using digital twin system and supervised learning (Thesis/Summer Intensive)
[1] *Paper survey:
- The Role of AI, Machine Learning, and Big Data in Digital Twinning: A Systematic Literature Review,
Challenges, and Opportunities
- A Methodology to Develop and Implement Digital Twin Solutions for Manufacturing Systems
* Download + familiar with unity platform
* read some articles related to digital twin in manufacturing
* Attend KICS Summer 2022 Conference
[1] *Continue paper survey
*Completing idea for summer intensive
* Helping Gino's survey paper
* NSL PPT Seminar + Seminar
3D printer project
- Team meeting
- Write project report (ppt, text file)
- Gather all the simulation and video
- Wait for next instruction
- Finish all final project from every class (submit capstone final report, submit video + ppt for rts class)
- finish report for the project
- attend KICS Summer Conference
- prepare for summer intensive
Submit conference and/or journal page