

7월 4, 2022 - 7월 10, 2022


Title 4: Secure Smart Contract (SSC) for airport luggage tracking scheme (IEEE Transaction on Service and Network Management, Special Issue: Recent Advance on Blockchain) (Rejected)
Title 5: Smart Contract-based Airline Ticket Reservation System (KICS Summer 2022) (A)
Title 6: Ethereum-based Aircraft Maintenance Record for Aviation Industry (ICTC 2022)
Title 7: Blockchain Inspired Intruder UAV Localization Using Lightweight CNN for Internet of Battlefield Things (Milicom) (Collaboration works

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 4:
- Explore the review comment

Title 5: -

Title 6:
- Creating the system design
- Deciding the comparison result

Title 7: -

This Week Todo's

Title 4:
- Explore the review comment

Title 5: -

Title 6:
- Simulation on the local network

Title 7: -

Project Progress

Blockchain Project

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. NFT Rental: -

2. NFT Marketplace:
- Finishing Feedback based on the progress of the company
- Sending feedback/review to the company

3. Pure Wallet
- Continue Fixing Smart Contract bug interaction on a Button in the User Interface

This Week's Project

1. NFT Rental: -

2. NFT Marketplace:
- Finishing Feedback based on the progress of the company
- Sending feedback/review to the company

3. Pure Wallet
- Implementing Hashing security for the pure Wallet

Monthly Goals

1. Fixing idea for Summer Intensive
2. Finishing Pure Wallet for Product

Annual Goals

Submit a Journal
Accepted in 2 International Conference
Accepted in Domestic Conference