

7월 11, 2022 - 7월 17, 2022


Ahmad Zainudin

Title 1: An Efficient Hybrid-DNN for DDoS Detection and Classification in Software-Defined IIoT Networks (Major Revision) – Winter Intensive
Submitted: IEEE Internet of Things Journal

Title 2: Towards Low-Complexity Federated Learning-based DDoS Classification in SDN-Enabled IIoT Networks (Processing)
Target: IEEE Journal

Title 3: FedDDoS: A Secure and Reliable Federated Learning-based DDoS Attacks Classification in IIoT(Processing)
Target: ICTC 2022

Title 4: Collaborative Learning for Cyber-Attack Detection in Maritime Transportation Systems (Processing)
Target: ICMIC 2022

Title 5: Privacy-Enhanced for Federated Learning-Based Intrusion Detection in Digital Twin-Enabled Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (Summer Intensive) (Processing)
Target: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

Title 6: Federated Learning-based Intrusion Detection for Digital Twin-Enabled Industrial IoT Networks: A Technical Survey (Processing)
Target: IEEE Access

Title 7: An Intelligent Edge for Real-Time Multi Sensor Privacy Preserving Emergency System in Smart Space Using Federated Learning (Processing)
(IoT Project)
Target: IEEE Sensor Journal

Title 8: A Federated Learning-based Low-Complexity CNN for Privacy Preserving Activity Recognition in Edge Computing Environment(Processing)
(IoT Project)
Target: ICT Express

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
*Revision based on review comments
*Fixing revision of review comments

Title 2:
*Continue to train a low-complexity model and try some network structures to find the best performance
*Continue paper writing (Introduction, related works and proposed model)
*Read paper reviews
*Still increase accuracy performance with more attack classes
*Still working for solving GPU training process problem

Title 3:
*Continue for simulation works with different scenario and evaluate the system model with some metrics performance
*Increase performance evaluation of federated deep learning model
*Compare some federated learning frameworks for getting the best results and related with our proposed system
* Continue for implementing a secure communication scenario
*Continue read some related works and add for related works part
*Federated learning-based training for more workers or clients
*Continue paper writing : Performance evaluation and discussion
*Finalize the paper writing

Title 4:
*Paper writing(Introduction and related works)
*Fixing proposed model
*Simulation work

Title 5:
*Brainstorming about system model and dataset pre-processing for federated learning scenario
*Learning regarding federated learning-based model workflow and try to implement it
*Learn about some federated learning frameworks
*Continue read some related works
*Continue learning public dataset for intrusion detection in federated learning-based scenario
*Dataset preprocessing for federated learning-based security public dataset

Title 6:
*Continue papers review
*Brainstorming about proposed system than existing papers review
*Starting for paper writing (Continue for fixing introduction and related works parts)
*Learning regarding PRISMA for paper review workflow

Title 7:
*Continue paper writing
*Fixing proposed model and continue simulation work

Title 8:
*Continue paper writing for updated version
*Working on for performance evaluation in real-time system scenario
*Continue update introduction, related works, and system model

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
*Submit revision

Title 2:
*Continue to train a low-complexity model and try some network structures to find the best performance
*Fixing the model simulation
*Continue paper writing (Introduction, related works and proposed model)
*Read paper reviews
*Still increase accuracy performance with more attack classes
*Continue for solving GPU training process problem

Title 3:
*Continue for simulation works with different scenario and evaluate the system model with some metrics performance
*Increase performance evaluation of federated deep learning model
*Compare some federated learning frameworks for getting the best results and related with our proposed system
*Continue for implementing a secure communication scenario, paper review for additional related works
*Federated learning-based training for more workers or clients
*Continue paper writing : Performance evaluation and discussion
*Continue finalize the paper writing

Title 4:
*Paper writing(Introduction and related works)
*Fixing proposed model
*Continue simulation work
*Learn other public dataset for comparison

Title 5:
*Brainstorming about system model and dataset pre-processing for federated learning scenario
*Learning regarding federated learning-based model workflow and try to implement it
*Learn about some federated learning frameworks
*Continue read some related works
*Continue learning public dataset for intrusion detection in federated learning-based scenario
*Dataset preprocessing for federated learning-based security public dataset
*Preparing for summer intensive presentation
*Learning regarding implementation of digital twin
*Read paper review regarding network virtualization in digital twin

Title 6:
*Continue papers review
*Brainstorming about proposed system than existing papers review
*Starting for paper writing (Continue for fixing introduction and related works parts)
*Learning regarding PRISMA for paper review workflow

Title 7:
*Continue paper writing
*Fixing proposed model and continue simulation work

Title 8:
*Continue paper writing for updated version
*Working on for performance evaluation in real-time system scenario
*Continue update introduction, related works, and system model

Project Progress

Human Activity Recognition using Integrated Thermal Array, UWB, Vibration sensor for Smart Home Application

100% Progress
Last Week's Project

# Working on IoT project paper
# Finishing and submit project final report and research note
# Waiting for new project assigning

This Week's Project

# Working on IoT project paper
# Still waiting for new project assigning

Monthly Goals

1. Finishing project papers
2. Preparing International conference (ICTC) paper and IEEE Journal paper
3. Working on summer intensive paper

Annual Goals

1. Submit at least two SCI or SCIE journals
{IEEE IoT Journal}(Major Revision)

2. Attend one international conference

3. Attend one domestic conference
{2022 KICS Winter Conference} (Published)
{2022 KICS Summer Conference} (Published)