

7월 18, 2022 - 7월 24, 2022


Ahmad Zainudin

Title 1: An Efficient Hybrid-DNN for DDoS Detection and Classification in Software-Defined IIoT Networks (Major Revision) – Winter Intensive
Submitted: IEEE Internet of Things Journal

Title 2: Towards Low-Complexity Federated Learning-based DDoS Classification in SDN-Enabled IIoT Networks (Processing)
Target: IEEE Journal

Title 3: FedDDoS: A Secure and Reliable Federated Learning-based DDoS Attacks Classification in IIoT(Processing)
Target: ICTC 2022

Title 4: Collaborative Learning for Cyber-Attack Detection in Maritime Transportation Systems (Processing)
Target: ICMIC 2022

Title 5: Privacy-Enhanced for Federated Learning-Based Intrusion Detection in Digital Twin-Enabled Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (Summer Intensive) (Processing)
Target: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

Title 6: Federated Learning-based Intrusion Detection for Digital Twin-Enabled Industrial IoT Networks: A Technical Survey (Processing)
Target: IEEE Journal

Title 7: An Intelligent Edge for Real-Time Multi Sensor Privacy Preserving Emergency System in Smart Space Using Federated Learning (Processing)
(IoT Project)
Target: IEEE Sensor Journal

Title 8: A Federated Learning-based Low-Complexity CNN for Privacy Preserving Activity Recognition in Edge Computing Environment(Processing)
(IoT Project)
Target: ICT Express

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
*Submit revision

Title 2:
*Continue to train a low-complexity model and try some network structures to find the best performance
*Fixing the model simulation
*Continue paper writing (Introduction, related works and proposed model)
*Read paper reviews
*Still increase accuracy performance with more attack classes
*Continue for solving GPU training process problem

Title 3:
*Continue for simulation works with different scenario and evaluate the system model with some metrics performance
*Increase performance evaluation of federated deep learning model
*Compare some federated learning frameworks for getting the best results and related with our proposed system
*Continue for implementing a secure communication scenario, paper review for additional related works
*Federated learning-based training for more workers or clients
*Continue paper writing : Performance evaluation and discussion
*Continue finalize the paper writing

Title 4:
*Paper writing(Introduction and related works)
*Fixing proposed model
*Continue simulation work
*Learn other public dataset for comparison

Title 5:
*Brainstorming about system model and dataset pre-processing for federated learning scenario
*Learning regarding federated learning-based model workflow and try to implement it
*Learn about some federated learning frameworks
*Continue read some related works
*Continue learning public dataset for intrusion detection in federated learning-based scenario
*Dataset preprocessing for federated learning-based security public dataset
*Preparing for summer intensive presentation
*Learning regarding implementation of digital twin
*Read paper review regarding network virtualization in digital twin

Title 6:
*Continue papers review
*Brainstorming about proposed system than existing papers review
*Starting for paper writing (Continue for fixing introduction and related works parts)
*Learning regarding PRISMA for paper review workflow

Title 7:
*Continue paper writing
*Fixing proposed model and continue simulation work

Title 8:
*Continue paper writing for updated version
*Working on for performance evaluation in real-time system scenario
*Continue update introduction, related works, and system model

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
*Under review
*Check periodically

Title 2:
*Continue to train a low-complexity model and try some network structures to find the best performance
*Fixing the model simulation
*Continue paper writing (Introduction, related works and proposed model)
*Read paper reviews
*Still increase accuracy performance with more attack classes

Title 3:
*Compare some federated learning frameworks for getting the best results and related with our proposed system
*Implement a secure communication scenario, paper review for additional related works
*Federated learning-based training for more workers or clients → performance evaluation
*Continue paper writing : Performance evaluation and discussion
*Continue finalize the paper writing

Title 4:
*Paper writing(proposed model and performance evaluation)
*Continue simulation work
*Learn other public dataset for comparison

Title 5:
*Continue learning regarding federated learning-based model workflow and try to implement it
*Continue learn about some federated learning frameworks
*Read some related works
*Continue learning public dataset for intrusion detection in federated learning-based scenario
*Dataset preprocessing for federated learning-based security public dataset
*Learning regarding implementation of digital twin
*Continue read paper review regarding network virtualization in digital twin
*Starting for paper writing (introduction and related works)

Title 6:
*Continue papers review
*Brainstorming about proposed system than existing papers review
*Starting for paper writing (Continue for fixing introduction and related works parts)
*Learning regarding PRISMA for paper review workflow

Title 7:
*Continue paper writing
*Fixing proposed model and continue simulation work

Title 8:
*Continue paper writing for updated version
*Working on for performance evaluation in real-time system scenario
*Continue update introduction, related works, and system model

Project Progress

Anomaly Detection in ERP for Smart Factory

5% Progress
Last Week's Project

# Meeting with Professor for briefing and discuss for initial state of the project
# Learning project documents from company

IoT Project:
# Paper review: Human activity recognition in metaverse

This Week's Project

# Learning about manufacturing execution system (MES)

IoT Project:
# Continue paper review: Human activity recognition in metaverse

Monthly Goals

1. Preparing International conference (ICTC) paper and IEEE Journal paper
2. Working on summer intensive paper

Annual Goals

2022 Goals:
1. Submit at least two SCI or SCIE journals
{IEEE IoT Journal}(In Revision)

2. Attend one international conference

3. Attend one domestic conference
{2022 KICS Winter Conference} (Published)
{2022 KICS Summer Conference} (Published)