

July 25, 2022 - July 31, 2022


Title 1:
"Fast Successive Approximation ADC With Series Time-Interleaved Architecture."
Target: MDPI Electronics.

Title 2:
"LSTM Is Not Predicting the Future; A Comment on Published Papers in Time Sequence Forecasting"
Target: The 13th International Conference on ICT Convergence.

Title 3: (intensive)
"Efficient Recurrent Neural Network for Short-Term Residential Load Forecasting"
Target: (not fixed).


50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
- Updating paper.

Title 2:
- Waiting for decision (submitted).

Title 3:
- Literature survey.
- Simulations.


This Week Todo's

Title 1:
- Updating paper.

Title 2:
- Waiting for decision (submitted).

Title 3:
- Simulations and writing the code for and module.


Project Progress

Smart Energy Grid

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Paper surveying about topics related to Smart Energy Grid.
- Reviewing "Hybrid CNN-LSTM Model for Short-Term Individual Household Load Forecasting".
- As requested:
* I registered in Nvidia omniverse and I downloaded the omniverse luncher.
* I look into some of the program features such as omniverse create, omniverse machinima, omniverse audio2face, and omniverse connectors.


This Week's Project

- Continue paper surveying about topics related to Smart Energy Grid.


Monthly Goals

- Increase my skills in the PyTorch library.
- Increase my skills in Cadence Virtuoso.
- Increase my level in the Korean language.


Annual Goals

- Publish an International Journal Paper.