

7월 28, 2014 - 8월 3, 2014


[C] title 1 (jour.): Adaptive Spectrum Handoff Scheme for Cognitive Sensor Networks
[A] title 2 (conf.): Hybrid Energy-Aware Scheduling Based on Renewal Process in Real-Time System
[B] title 3 (conf.): Renewal process - application on energy-aware routing in cognitive radio networks
[A] title 4: UWB cognitive radio networks

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[C] title 1 (jour.): wait for review comments.
[A] title 2 (conf.): Update introduction: about contribution of the paper.
[B] title 3 (conf.): wait for result from ATC
[A] title 4 (seminar): read more to choose choose directions (spectrum handoff, channel allocation or power control)

This Week Todo's

[C] title 1 (jour.): wait for review comments.
[A] title 2 (conf.): system model: make it more clear based on review comments
[B] title 3 (conf.): wait for result
[A] title 4 (seminar): read more about spectrum handoff and power control in UWB CRN

Project Progress


10% Progress
Last Week's Project

Made a simulation using UDP and DDS program.
Tested some software and video.

This Week's Project

wait for new tasks from project team leader

Monthly Goals

find new idea about cognitive UWB radio to write a new paper

Annual Goals

2 journal SCI papers and 3 conference papers