

8월 2, 2022 - 8월 8, 2022


Title 1: Appropriate SVM Kernel Selection for DDoS Attack Detection in SDN-Based VANET
Submitted to KICS Summer, 2022

Title 2: Ensemble Random Forest-based Basic Safety Messages Falsification Detection in Internet of Vehicles.
Submitted to IEEE ITS

Title 3: Basic Safety Messages Authentication System for Connected Vehicles using a Novel Hyper-Tune Ensemble Algorithm
Published in ICT Express.

Title 4: Optimization of RBF-SVM Kernel using Grid Search Algorithm for Detecting DDoS Attack in SDN-Based VANET
Submitted to IEEE IoT Journal

Title 5: Real Time Misbehavior Detection Model for a Secured Digital Twin-Based Vehicular Networks (Thesis/Summer Intensive)
Target- IET Communication

Title 6: Performance Analysis of Ensemble Model Techniques for Misbehaviour Detection using BurST-ADMA Dataset
Target - ICTC 2022.

Title 7: Real-Time Sensor-Based Human Activity and Breathing Monitoring During Quarantine (IoT Project)
Target: Sensor Journal

Title 8: State-of-the-Art Object Detectors for Vehicle, Pedestrian, and Traffic Sign Detection for Smart Parking Systems (with Judith, Saviour and Cosmas)
Target: ICTC 2022/Transactions on Intelligent Transport Systems.

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1: Presented in KICS Summer 2022

Title 2: In revision

(i) Further Evaluation using publicly available and alternative dataset

(ii) Enhancing compared ML models

Title 3: Corrected Proof still In Press- Available online since- 19 June 2022

Title 4: After Revision- Resubmission Under Review

Title 5:

(i) Simulating a vehicular misbehaviour scenario using SUMO and NS2

Title 6: Summarize result and complete Paper writing

Title 8: Completed Paper writing

This Week Todo's

Title 1: Presented in KICS Summer 2022

Title 2: In revision (on Hold)- Deadline- October 2022

(i) Further Evaluation using publicly available and alternative dataset

(ii) Enhancing compared ML models

Title 3: Corrected Proof still In Press- Available online since- 19 June 2022

Title 4: After Revision- Resubmission Under Review

Title 5: Paper Survey

(i) Simulate a vehicular scenario using SUMO and NS2

(ii) Design and model misbehavior evaluation metrics and objectives based on security and safety risk assessment.

Title 6: Complete Paper writing

Title 8: Completed Paper writing

Project Progress


10% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Study about manufacturing execution system (MES)
-Begin literature survey

This Week's Project

-Continue with literature survey

Monthly Goals

(i) Design a pathway for Thesis Writing and new journal submission from summer Intensive, 2022
(ii) Study detection issues using verification and authentication measures in securing IoV
(iii) Study about reliability requirement for Vehicular systems and network for Thesis (In Progress)
(iv) Learn about working with C++ for SUMO implementation and modelling of VANET scenarios
(v) Complete and submit ICTC Paper (KICS submitted and accepted)
(v) Continue Autonomous driving car using Deep learning course

Annual Goals

1. Attend at least two Domestic Conferences (Done- KICS Winter and Summer, 2022)
2. Attend at least two International Conference (One Attended and Published - ICAIIC, 2022)
3. Submit three International Journals (Two Submitted- Ad-hoc Networks and IEEE Access Submitted)
4. Published in 2 SCI Journals (One Accepted- ICT Express)

2021 Goals Achieved
1. ETFA 2021
2. ICTC 2021
3. KICS Summer and Fall 2021

2022 Goals Achieved
1. ICT Express Published
2. ICAIIC 2022
3. KICS Winter, Summer 2022