

8월 16, 2022 - 8월 22, 2022


Title 2: Enhanced Deep Learning Scheme Based On PANet for Real-Time Detection of Tomato
Target: IEEE Intelligent Systems (Under Review)

Title 3: Hierarchical Intrusion Detection System for Secured Military Drone Network: A Perspicacious
Target: MILCOM 2022 (Under Review)

Title 4: VisioNET Dataset: An Aerial Dataset for Scenario-Based Multi-Drone Detection and Identification
Research (Anti-drone project)
Target: IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems

Title 5: Scalable Out-of-Core Learning Model for Intrusion Detection System on the Internet of Drones
Target: KICS Summer 2022 (Accepted)

Title 6: Scale Variant Framework for Aerial Recognition of Drones and Birds in Ground-to-Air Networks
Target: IET Computer Vision (Submitted)

Title 7: Cyber Edge Intelligent Intrusion Detection Framework For UAV Network Based on Random Forest Algorithm
Target: ICTC 2022 (Submitted)

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Summer holiday
Title 2: Awaiting reviewers' comments.

Title 3: Under review

Title 6: Completed and submitted paper

Title 7: Completed and submitted paper

This Week Todo's

Title 2: Under review

Title 3: Under review

Title 6: Under review

Title 7: Under review

Project Progress

Water Quality Monitoring System (WQMS)

20% Progress
Last Week's Project

Summer holiday

Submission of project proposal

This Week's Project

i. Meet and brainstorm with team members
ii. Continue surveys on WQMS

Monthly Goals

i. Extend Title 4 to a journal version for possible publication

ii. Complete and submit ICTC paper. (Achieved)

iii. Acquire in-depth knowledge of the various ML and DL algorithms (65% progress)

iv. Become proficient in the use of OpenCV for object detection and tracking in real-time (30% progress)

Annual Goals

i. Submission of at least 3 journals (2 achieved)

ii. Become an AI expert