

8월 16, 2022 - 8월 22, 2022


- Plan: NFT Based Journal & ICTC Conference on Blockchain
ICTC Conference: "A Concept of Blockchain-based Solution of Digital Certification for Education Purposes"

Summer Intensive: "Blockchain Solution with Digital Certificate Using NFT for Digital Supply Chain"

20% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- We fully working on Pure Wallet development for this week tuesday

This Week Todo's

- Focus on Smart Contract Development and ICTC, then continue with SI

Project Progress

Pure Wallet 2.0 & WineX

85% Progress
Last Week's Project

- We fully working on Pure Wallet development for this week tuesday

This Week's Project

- Pure Wallet is Done, with flexible UI and more appropriate looks, working for transaction

Monthly Goals

1. Improving the blockchain knowledge about the smart contract, making a good network and its genesis, and more about its programming language required (JS, Solidity, Many more)
2. Preparing the Summer Intensive for producing some research paper regarding blockchain (Either it's Smart Contract or Implementation of blockchain on Audio Watermarking)

Annual Goals

1. International Journal Paper (Blockchain)
2. International Conference Paper
3. Domestic Conference Paper