

9월 13, 2022 - 9월 19, 2022


Title 2: Time-Efficient Deep Learning-Based Energy Consumption Prediction for Smart Factory
Target: ICTC 2022 Conference

Title 4: Classification and Characterization of Encoded Traffic in SCADA Network using Hybrid Deep Learning Scheme
Target: Journal of Communication and Networks

Title 5: Low Computational Cost Convolutional Neural Network for Smart Grid Frequency Stability Prediction
Target: Energy and AI

Title 9: RQGPR: Rational Quadratic Gaussian Process Regression for Attack Detection in the SCADA Networks
Target: APCC

Title 12: SCADA Network High Dimensional Data-Aware Intrusion Detection System using MDT-CHI Fusion
Target: IEEE IoT

Title 15: Machine Learning Efficiency
Target: MDPI

Title 16: Survey Study
Target: Surveys & Tutorials

90% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 2: 1. Uploaded camera-ready copy
2. Concluded with conference registration
3. To continue with preparation for conference presentation materials

Title 4: Under review

Title 5: To commence paper revision in line with review comments

Title 9: Finalized with preparation for conference presentation materials

Title 12: Under review

Title 15: Completed English correction, grammar and plagiarism check

Title 16: 1. Concluded with the observations, open issues, future direction and conclusion
2. Commenced English correction, grammar and plagiarism check

This Week Todo's

Title 2: Finalize with preparation for conference presentation materials

Title 4: Under review

Title 5: To commence paper revision in line with review comments

Title 9: Finalized with preparation for conference presentation materials

Title 12: Under review

Title 15: 1. To complete English correction, grammar, and plagiarism check
2. To submit to approved journal by Professor

Title 16: 1. To conclude with English correction, grammar, and plagiarism check
2. To submit to approved journal by Professor

Project Progress

Manufacturing Execution System (MES) Project

60% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Continued with the background study of manufacturing execution system with AI in view
2. Concluded with the research writing with preliminary results of experimentation
3. Guided new members with the selection of journal on inventory management with AI perspective
4. Guiding new members on the presentation of progress report for capstone class

This Week's Project

1. Continued with the background study of manufacturing execution system with AI in view
2. Revision of the research article writing with preliminary results of experimentation
3. Revie and guide new members on their prepared pptx presentation for capstone class

Monthly Goals

1. To conclude of titles 15 & 16
2. To continue work on the model development for the research thesis
3. Start learning network simulation for the research thesis

Annual Goals

1. Submit or attend all NSL-approved domestic conferences: (100%)
2. Submit or attend at least two NSL approved International Conferences: Submitted (100%), Attended (50%)
3. Publish or submit at least two International Journal papers/Letters: Submitted (100%)