

9월 19, 2022 - 9월 25, 2022


Ebuka Nkoro

Title 1: Industrial Network Attack Vulnerability Detection and Analysis using Shodan Eye Scanning Technology.
Target: ICTC 2022 (Accepted)

100% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Studied seminar paper

- Read 3 Journal Papers on research area/metaverse

- Participated in the Mentoring and daily seminar organized by NSL.

- Explored all useful links, online courses, research websites and learning platforms as introduced by NSL mentor

- Developed my MSc research plan on -"License Plate Recognition, for Autonomous Vehicles"

This Week Todo's

- Revise my Seminar paper
- study and finish preparation slide for ICTC conference
- Begin Paper research on research area/Metaverse
- Attend all organized NSL newcomer seminars
- Develop and read IEEE/REVIEWS/JOURNALS on my research area -"- Real time object detection, for Autonomous Vehicles “

Project Progress

Metaverse and Digital Twin Assisted Battery Pack Management

6% Progress
Last Week's Project

Study implementation video materials on (Lithium) Battery Management System - YouTube
Read 1 Review paper on on (Lithium) Battery Management System
Summarized 4 papers related to BMS in Lithium batteries

This Week's Project

Present to the group members my background research on BMS using Digital Twin Assisted Technology.
Make more personal findings as regards group project
Attend all meetings and classes related to the project work

Monthly Goals

-Further research paper on Real time object detection, for Autonomous Vehicles
-Study Python Programming for AI
- Study Machine Learning
- Study Online tutorials about battery management systems

Annual Goals

Submit and attend all NSL Approved Conferences
Publish at least 1 international journal
Master at least 1 programming and simulation tool.