Title1: Threat Analysis and Neutralization for Drone Surveillance Systems
Title 1: (i) Commence paper writing (introduction)
(ii) Gathering of data sets
(iii) Attending lectures and responding to assignments
(iv) PCR Testing and Documentation
(v) Attending NSL Training for newcomers
(vi) Setting up systems and installations of packages
(vii) To have mentoring session with my mentor (Philip)
Title 1: (i) Survey at least 3 papers related to drone detection techniques to gather ideas.
(ii) Continue studying on seminar paper and prepare presentation slides
(i). Attend lectures and to assignments duly
(ii). Prepare slides for project progress report for capstone class.
Anti-drone System
(i) Attended brainstorming meeting with team members
(ii) Got task allocation from team leader
(i) Survey papers on RF techniques for drone detection
(ii) Continue learning on Python programming
(iii )Continue studying on machine learning algorithms
(i) To commence Machine learning Training
(ii) To commence use of overleaf for paper writing
(iii) To conclude my Title 1 paper
(i)To submit at least 1 conference paper
(ii)To attend at least 1 conference
(iii)To submit at least one journal paper
(iv)To master the use of paper writing tools
(v)To complete machine learning training