

9월 19, 2022 - 9월 25, 2022


IoT-Assisted Intelligent Vehicle Tracking System Using Cloud Computing

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

*Registered for the ICTC Conference online.
*Started studying the conference paper again.
*Attended lecture on (S/W Special Lecture for CPS for Smart Factory.
*Attended orientation for NSL newcomers.

This Week Todo's

*Start preparing a presentation slide for the upcoming conference.

Project Progress

Pure Wallet

5% Progress
Last Week's Project

*Started learning blockchain technology
*Started identifying the applications of blockchain.
*Started learning about various areas (fields) in blockchain.

This Week's Project

*Continue to study blockchain technology.
*Start learning Dart programming language.
*Start learning flutter

Monthly Goals

*Learn and Understand Dart Programming on my own.
*Prepare a presentation slide for the upcoming conference
*Attend all lectures and complete assignments accordingly.
*Attend all the orientation sessions for NSL newcomers.

Annual Goals

*Submit at least one journal paper and get acceptance.
*Submit at least two conference papers (1/2).
*Get deeper into blockchain.