

9월 26, 2022 - 10월 2, 2022


Title 1: Threat analysis and neutralisation of drone sysytem.

Target: KICS conference

20% Progress
Last Week's Progress

(i) surveyed papers on RF techniques for drone detection

(ii) Did learning on Python programming

(iii) Continued studying machine learning

This Week Todo's

(i) keep practising with overleaf for paper writing

(ii) Read IEEE/REVIEWS/JOURNAL on my research interest: Explainable AI for drone security.

(iii) Attend NSL newcomers training

(iv) Respond to classes and assignment


Project Progress

Anti-Drone System

40% Progress
Last Week's Project

Surveyed two papers on the concept of anti-drone system

This Week's Project

(i) Meeting with project members and discussion on the project task.

(i) Get task allocation from project leader

Monthly Goals

(i) To commence Machine learning Training

(ii) To mater the use of overleaf for paper writing.

(iii) To conclude my Title 1 paper

Annual Goals

(i)To submit at least 1 conference paper

(ii)To attend at least 1 conference

(iii)To submit at least one journal paper

(iv)To master the use of paper writing tools

(v)To complete machine learning training