Ebuka Nkoro
Title 1: Industrial Network Attack Vulnerability Detection and Analysis using Shodan Eye Scanning Technology.
Target: ICTC 2022 (Accepted)
Developing research paper on Machine Learning License Plate Recognition, for Autonomous Vehicles.
Studied seminar paper
- Read 1 Journal Papers on Machine Learning.
- Covered some basics of python programming: Python Tips, Python Basics, Print Function
-Math Calculations in Python, if statements, Slicing of lists, Concatenating sliced lists, string methods, sets, dictionaries and tuples
- Improve and deepen Python programming skills through my online course content
- Revise conference paper and Slide PPT
- Further Paper research on research area/Metaverse
- Attend all organized NSL newcomer seminars
- Develop and read IEEE/REVIEWS/JOURNALS on first research plan -"License Plate Recognition, for Autonomous Vehicles using QR Codes.”
Metaverse and Digital Twin Assisted Battery Pack Management
Prepared, studied 3 papers and YouTube videos for Monday project report
Effected Corrections as noticed in the project report
Researched papers on Applications of Digital Twin in Military and Wind energy.
Attend to all task assigned by the project team lead.
Further study on BMS
-Further research paper on Machine Learning Based Filtered License Plate Recognition, for Autonomous Vehicles
-Study and complete online course on Python Programming for AI
- Study Machine Learning
- Study Online tutorials and journal papers about battery management systems
Submit and attend all NSL Approved Conferences
Publish at least 1 international journal
Master Python Programming and one ML simulation tool.