

10월 3, 2022 - 10월 9, 2022


Made Adi Paramartha Putra

- Title 6: Data Prediction-Based Energy-Efficient Architecture in Industrial Internet of Things - IEEE Sensors Journal(Submitted)

- Title 7: Efficient 3D Printer Fault Classification using Multi-Block 2D Convolutional Neural Network - KICS Journal (Accepted)

- Title 8: Composite Multi-Directional LSTM for Accurate Prediction of Energy Consumption - ICOIN (Accepted)

- Title 9: Fault Detection in 3D Printers using an Improved YOLOv5 with Hyperparameter Tuning - KICS Fall 2021 (Accepted)

- Title 10: FDP: A Fog Data Prediction Testbed Architecture to Enhance IoT Sensor Lifetime - ICC (Rejected)(On Revision)

- Title 11: FDPR: A Fog Data Prediction and Recovery Algorithm in IoT Networks- Winter Intensive - IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (Submitted)

- Title 12: Towards Delay Aware Data Recovery using Deep Learning in Embedded IoT Application - KICS Winter 2022 (Accepted)

- Title 13: Adaptive Data Prediction Protocol for IoT Application - IEEE Journal

- Title 14: Design and Implementation of 3D Printer Monitoring System for Industries - ICT Express - 3D Printer Project

- Title 15: IDS Survey - with Gabriel and Mark

- Title 16: Time-efficient Sensor Data Prediction using iDC-MLP Algorithm for Industrial IoT - ETFA 2022 -> ICC 2023

- Title 17: 3DFed: A Secure Federated Learning-based System for Fault Detection in 3D Printer Industry - ICTC 2022

- Title 18: ACS: Accuracy-Based Client Selection Mechanism for Federated Industrial IoT - Internet of Things - Summer Intensive 2022

- Title 19: DL-Based AUV Position Prediction Using Odometry Data for Internet of Underwater Things - ICMIC 2022

- Title 20: Hierarchical Federated Transfer Learning for Efficient Fault Detection in Additive Manufacturing - ICC 2023 / IEEE TNSM Special Issue on FL (Submitted)

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 17: ICTC 2022
- Continue to prepare the presentation material

Title 18: Summer Intensive 2022
- Follow up on the paper review

Title 11: IEEE TII 2022
- Start revising the paper for submission to IEEE TNSM Special Issue of Future Networks

Title 20: ICC 2023 / IEEE TNSM
- Conduct another evaluation rounds
- Writing the paper
- Prepare for paper submission (Due: 30 September 2022)

This Week Todo's

Title 17: ICTC 2022
- Continue to prepare the presentation material

Title 18: Summer Intensive 2022
- Submitted and waiting for the review comments

Title 11: IEEE TII 2022
- Start revising the paper for submission to IEEE TNSM Special Issue of Future Networks

Title 20: ICC 2023 / IEEE TNSM
- Submitted
- Waiting for the review comment

Project Progress

Anti-drone system

45% Progress
Last Week's Project

i. A meeting with project participants where the project task is going to be discussed. In addition, task assignments from the project leader is requested.
ii. To begin training for machine learning
iii. To learn more of the use of overleaf for writing papers To conclude my Title 1 paper

This Week's Project

i. design an anti drone system using radar after surveying papers and deciding the problem the is going to be solved.
ii. present with my team member about our system design and prupose it during capstone class.
iii. figure out the limitation and advantages for my system design and addressing them to my notes.

Monthly Goals

i. To start using overleaf for composing papers
ii. To begin training for machine learning
iii. Attend lectures all lectures and complete assignments accordingly.

Annual Goals

i. To submit a minimum of one conference paper.
ii. To participate in at least one conference
iii To submit a minimum of one journal paper
iv. To become adept at using paper writing instruments