

10월 3, 2022 - 10월 9, 2022


Advanced Stationary Point Concentration Technique for Leakage Mitigation and Small Drone Detection With FMCW Radar


Title 1:Advanced Stationary Point Concentration Technique for Leakage Mitigation and Small Drone Detection With FMCW Radar

Title 2: TX Leakage Canceller for Small Drone Detection Radar in 2-GHz Band

Title 3:Range-Doppler Map Improvement in FMCW Radar for Small Moving Drone Detection Using the Stationary Point Concentration Technique

Title 4: CNN-32DC: An improved radar-based drone recognition system based on Convolutional Neural Network.

Target: KICS conference and anti-drone project.

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

i. learn about types, models, etc.
ii. learn latex-overleaf.
iii. learn and invest a lot of time for ML and deep learning.
iv. Attend NSL newcomers training
v. Respond to classes and assignment

This Week Todo's

i. preparing and submitting a poster presentation for my paper "Octopus-Inspired Robot for Underwater Exploration in Military Internet of Battle Operations Surveillance".
ii. learn more writing skills and the 14 steps on how to write technical papers.

Project Progress

Anti-drone system

45% Progress
Last Week's Project

i. A meeting with project participants where the project task is going to be discussed. In addition, task assignments from the project leader is requested.
ii. To begin training for machine learning
iii. To learn more of the use of overleaf for writing papers To conclude my Title 1 paper

This Week's Project

i. design an anti drone system using radar after surveying papers and deciding the problem the is going to be solved.
ii. present with my team member about our system design and prupose it during capstone class.
iii. figure out the limitation and advantages for my system design and addressing them to my notes.

Monthly Goals

i. To start using overleaf for composing papers
ii. To begin training for machine learning
iii. Attend lectures all lectures and complete assignments accordingly.

Annual Goals

i. To submit a minimum of one conference paper.
ii. To participate in at least one conference
iii To submit a minimum of one journal paper
iv. To become adept at using paper writing instruments