Title 2: Time-Efficient Deep Learning-Based Energy Consumption Prediction for Smart Factory
Target: ICTC 2022 Conference
Title 4: Classification and Characterization of Encoded Traffic in SCADA Network using Hybrid Deep Learning Scheme
Target: Journal of Communication and Networks
Title 5: Low Computational Cost Convolutional Neural Network for Smart Grid Frequency Stability Prediction
Target: Energy and AI
Title 9: RQGPR: Rational Quadratic Gaussian Process Regression for Attack Detection in the SCADA Networks
Target: APCC
Title 12: SCADA Intrusion Detection Scheme Exploiting the fusion of Modified Decision Tree and Chi-Square Feature Selection
Target: Elsevier IoT
Title 15: Effective Industrial Internet of Things Vulnerability Detection Using Machine Learning
Target: ……
Title 16: Survey Study
Target: Surveys & Tutorials
Title 2: To finalize the preparation for conference presentation materials
Title 4: Under review
Title 5: To commence paper revision in line with review comments
Title 9: Awaiting conference attendance and participation
Title 12: Resubmitted
Title 15: Awaiting submission
Title 16: 1. Awaiting corrections after implementing the first phase of modifications from Post-doc co-author
Title 2: To finalize preparation for conference presentation materials
Title 4: Under review
Title 5: To commence paper revision in line with review comments
Title 9: Awaiting conference attendance and participation
Title 12: Under review
Title 15: 1. Awaiting submission
Title 16: 1. To effect next phase of corrections
2. To submit to the approved journal by Professor
Manufacturing Execution System (MES) Project
1. Commenced the journal article writing on MES AI-assisted inventory management and the background study of AI-based inventory management
2. Awaiting corrections from Professor on the completed KICS Fall 2022 research article
3. Continued guiding new project members and mentee on the preparation of ppt presentation for capstone
3. Continued guiding new project members and mentee on the selection and review of related papers on AI-based inventory management
4. Continued guiding new project members and mentee on the presentation of their project progress report
5. Continued guiding and working with a mentee and new project member on documentation of project activity/research writing
6. Presented the current status progress of the MES project
7. Continued the supervision of the MES project and members' activity
1. To continue the journal article writing on MES AI-assisted inventory management and the background study of AI-based inventory management
2. Awaiting corrections from Professor on the completed KICS Fall 2022 research article
3. To continue guiding new project members and mentees on the preparation of ppt presentation for capstone
3. To continue guiding new project members and mentees on the selection and review of related papers on AI-based inventory management
4. To continue guiding new project members and mentees on the presentation of their project progress report
5. To continue guiding and working with a mentee and new project member on documentation of project activity/research writing
6. To finalize with mentee's KICS Fall article writing/supervision
7. To present the current status progress of the MES project
8. To continue the supervision of the MES project and members' activity
1. To finalize and submit titles 15 & 16
2. To finalize research on SCADA communication protocol
2. To continue work on developing a model for the research thesis
3. Start learning network simulation for the research thesis
1. Submit and attend all NSL-approved domestic conferences: (100%)
2. Submit and attend at least two NSL-approved International Conferences: (100%)
3. Publish or submit at least two International Journal papers/Letters: Submitted (100%)