

10월 4, 2022 - 10월 10, 2022


Deep learning approach for drone detection in RF-Base surveillance system

40% Progress
Last Week's Progress

(1)surveyed 3 papers on anti-drone system.

(11) commenced chapter one of Research area using overleaf

This Week Todo's

(1)To complete chapter one of research area.

(ii) To survey papers on of drone network security.

Project Progress

Anti-drone System

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

(i)surveyed related work on different approaches used on drone detection and classification

(ii) session with group leader on a clear direction of my task allocation.

(iii) commence with dataset gathering

This Week's Project

(i)To brainstorm with group leader and team members regarding our project

(ii)To begin dataset preprocessing

Monthly Goals

i) To commence Machine learning Training

(ii) To master the use of overleaf for paper writing.

(iii) To conclude my Title 1 paper

Annual Goals

(i)To submit at least 1 conference paper

(ii)To attend at least 1 conference

(iii)To submit at least one journal paper

(iv)To master the use of paper writing tools

(v)To complete machine learning training