

10월 4, 2022 - 10월 10, 2022


IoT-Assisted Intelligent Vehicle Tracking System using Cloud Computing- ICTC 2022 (Accepted)

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Made progress with the presentation slide- (1)Completed the introduction and related works.

This Week Todo's

To continue to prepare a presentation slide for the upcoming conference- (1)Motivation & Contribution

(2)System model
(3)Performance Evaluation
(4)Conclusion and future work

Project Progress

Embedded System for private key storage and implementation

25% Progress
Last Week's Project

*Brainstormed with the project team members on the design recommendations to handle private key.
*Studied blockchain on Ethereum platform.
*Studied Dart programming language.
*Had a meeting with the project team members on layer 2.

This Week's Project

*Continue to study blockchain on Ethereum platform.
*Work on the private key hardware part of the private key.
*Finnish learning Dart programming language.

Monthly Goals

*Complete online training on Dart programming language.
*Complete online training on Dart programming language.

Annual Goals

*Complete at least one conference paper.
*Complete at least one journal paper.