

10월 11, 2022 - 10월 17, 2022


Md Javed Ahmed Shanto

Title 1: MSIM: A Multi-Stack LSTM-Assisted Inventory Management for the Manufacturing Execution System(Title to be changed)
Target: KICS 2022

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

# Continued with the background study of manufacturing execution systems with AI in view
# Concluded with the research writing with preliminary results of experimentation
# Completed weekly report on the surveyed paper
# completed data pre-processing
# started the literature review of the journal paper
# learned the writing templates

This Week Todo's

# continuing studying related papers and methodologies
# learn the writing skills
# learn the writing templates

Project Progress


75% Progress
Last Week's Project

# continuing to learn the data pre-processing and cleaning
# learn machine learning and deep learning
# learned about lstms models and other things

This Week's Project

#complete the basic machine learning course
#do a basic project
#improve the paper quality
#dive into deep learning for the project

Monthly Goals

# Learn about models, parameters
# learn about different machine-learning models

Annual Goals

1. Publish conference papers (Domestic/International)
- KICS Fall 2022

2. Publish at least one International Journal

3. Learn all the models and their implementations